Designing instruction around technology is more than using the next big thing! Using a systematic method like ADDIE means you are always thinking about how technology impacts your learners at every step of the instructional design process.
Analyze what learners know, what you want them to learn, and consider the best ways to do it.
Design instruction using measurable objectives and identifying specific activities and resources for instruction.
Develop instruction by preparing the necessary materials for the lesson.
Implement instruction by putting what you have developed into practice.
Evaluate and Revise instruction every step of the way to make sure it is effective in meeting your objectives.
Where Technology, Pedegogy, and Content come together
As you design instruction, consider how the addition of technology may change your methods of instruction, and consider if it is appropriate for the content. Good instructors in instructional technology understand that content and pedagogy are just as important as understanding the technology. TPACK is a model designed to help instructors make good decisions in selecting instructional technology for their lessons, and recognize those areas where they are lacking.